Granary Creative Arts CIC
An independent not-for-profit creative arts centre in the South Downs

Our popular stone carving workshops start from just £50

Our venue is a beautiful 17th Century Granary

Part of the spirit of the Granary is connection - meeting likeminded folk and building bridges

Our popular stone carving workshops start from just £50
"If you are searching for a warm welcome at a local venue where the creative arts and people are nourished, this is the place."
We specialise in heritage arts workshops, Home Education GCSE & A-level art classes, community outreach, adult art classes that empower you to play with your creativity, and unique community events.
We champion access to Heritage skills & are campaigning for sustainable Artisan Villages.

Our Mission

At the Granary Creative Arts Centre we aim to serve the creative community, local artists, families and adults in developing skills and keeping heritage crafts and creativity alive. We believe in supporting local, and inspiring creative freedom across all sectors of society. We keep our focus on providing a friendly, homely, and creative community space – the rest of the magic is created by our talented workshop teachers, and by you.
We see ourselves as a growing 'creative collective' so if you want to teach, exhibit, host an event, use the space to create masterpieces or develop projects with our other artists please do get in touch!