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'Into the Marvellous'

An Evening with Dr Martin Shaw


Now Sold Out

Wednesday 24th July 2019 7.15pm-9.30pm

Tickets £15

Martin Shaw brings myth and story to rouse beauty in troubled times. 

Martin Shaw is one of the country’s best-loved storytellers and a leading teacher of myth. In troubled times it can be easy to fall into either despair or numbness, and it was a traditional role of the storyteller to rouse awareness of beauty and vocation in such moments. To attend to the grace. In this electrifying evening, Shaw will be bringing myths that remind us of love, grief and the mysteries. To provoke our humanity. He will also be talking about his new book, The Night Wages, a rumination on the vitality of ancient stories in modern times.


Copies of The Night Wages will be for sale, cash only (Martin will also do a signing after his talk). Food and drink available, cash only. Doors open 7.10pm.


About Martin Shaw

Dr Martin Shaw is author of the award-winning Mythteller trilogy (A Branch From The Lightning Tree, Snowy Tower, Scatterlings), he founded the Oral Tradition and Mythic Life courses at Stanford University, whilst being director of the Westcountry School of Myth in the UK. He has introduced thousands of people to mythology and how it penetrates modern life. For twenty years Shaw has been a wilderness rites of passage guide, working with at-risk youth, the sick, returning veterans and many women and men seeking a deeper life. His translations of Gaelic poetry and folklore (with Tony Hoagland) have been published in Orion Magazine, Poetry International, Kenyon Review, Poetry Magazine and the Mississippi Review.

Recent Reviews

"A true master. Martin Shaw is one of the very greatest storytellers we have." 

Robert Bly, author of Iron John


"Visceral and highly imaginative, Shaw finds wildness in both landscape and language, using myth, philosophy and poetic leaps as a crossroads between the two. He needs to be read"

Rosie Boycott, The Independent


"I can still remember the first time I heard Martin Shaw tell a story. The tale that emerged was like a living thing, bounding around, throwing itself at all of us there listening. I had never heard anything like it before. Martin is a one-off, his work is urgent and necessary."

Paul Kingsnorth, author of The Wake

New book - The Night Wages

Bidden or unbidden, initiations come.


The Night Wages is a leap into the mysteries, a deep conversation between father and daughter, a ragged travelogue of a night sea journey to the temple of Aphrodite.


It’s a rumination on how we handle the volatility of romantic love, and how a parent communicates through stories a grief he cannot speak of any other way. Personal and yet mythical, poetic but earthy, this is a new form. The Night Wages provokes archaic images and modern dilemmas, it is the story of someone trying to comprehend the mysteries of their own heart.


Copies of The Night Wages will be for sale after the talk (cash only). Martin will be happy to sign any copies of his books at the talk.


Do you want to join us for this highly anticipated evening? Book today to avoid disappointment


Granary Arts, Brockwood, Bramdean, Alresford, Hampshire. SO24 0LQ, UK

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